There are actually eight instruments in shot here- one is hidden behind the pile of books- and there are three more within arm’s length of where I sit. Nor is this the room in the house with the most gits- there are as many again in the spare ‘bedroom’ (ha!), along with eight neglected six-stringers and a couple of Kays in varying states of disrepair. The downstairs loo is where the recently linseed oiled boxes live, and there are necks in progress, and a handful of fretboards, in the kitchen (good light and an oak table).Come to think of it, that does constitute one helluva lot of clutter. Lucky still to be married I guess, but I do all the cooking as well, and she has the run of the tv as I never watch the damn’ thing, so it evens out. Oh, and the Xbox is my son’s- I simply do not have the time...
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  • Thank you Ambrose. I certainly feel comfortable in here, and so do the dogs. Much better a nice bit of blues than all that gunfire and screaming.

    And thank you UJ. Which particular diddley did you have in mind? The dark one is fretted and tuned low G- a proper bass, and a nice sound plugged in too- while the lighter is tuned two octaves higher, and has a violin pup fitted. Great to play with a ceramic or steel slide, but I don’t own a bow- although I seem to recall seeing one in a local second-hand store. I’ll let you know...

    Oh, and Dave- that’s the general idea, anyway.

  • Well that's one way to convince here. ;-)

  • I am with Ambrose on feeling comfortable just by looking.  Have you tried a bow on that long scale diddley?

  • Your home decorator is doing a fine, fine job.

  • Great photo. Think I'd feel quite comfortable in that room.

  • Starting to have that look. Soon every surface, shelf, wall, ceiling will bear the “collection”. Be sore afraid Wal.

  • Nice collection.

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