The Duke takes shape

Parts dry fit for a pic. Gitty Custom Box kit with my “Duke” artwork. Padauk fretboard and Poplar neck.
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  • Yup Dave, on this method. It transfers cyrstal clear.
  • Hi Smiling Dog. Nice to hear from you.

  • Like the picture, looks like it's gonna be a fine build.

  • Thanks 3 string. Thanks BQ. I got strings today. Maybe Sunday they’ll go on. Lots of details to do. Varnish being one..

  • I’ll try drawing direct sometime Uncle John but I never know how my drawings will work out. Some are not so good. This way I can choose a favorite from a batch. I think Gitty does good printing. I like what they have done for me. It’s not easy drawing direct on the wood. The pen screws up often on wood. Paper is my favorite surface.

  • Yup, the Duke is looking good.  I will say this though, I would like it better if you drew directly on the wood.  

  • Looking good!!

  • Hot Dog Guitars!

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