Tabak coffee infused cigar box

My first build in a few years.
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  • It's funny because my younger brother plays guitar but never really tried one of the cbgs I built. My cousin has been playing guitar for years. I showed him a cbg and even though he thought it looked cool....he said he wouldn't have a clue how to play it. Another friend of mine is a professional guitar player and plays with famous guitar players all the time. I offered to build him one if he would make a video of him playing it. He agreed, but wanted....basically an electric guitar with 6 strings, and pickups and such so that it would simple be another electric guitar with just a cigar box body. So that didn't help. I'm counting on my other friend though.
  • Bob - I understand!  My younger son is really good at playing guitar, and shocked me by playing a fretless 3-string that his older brother got me for Christmas in 2013 - my first exposure to cbgs.  After I strummed it, then my older son strummed it, Son#2 started playing a Led Zeppelin song ("In My Time of Dying")!  Sounded amazing!  I've found that guitar players pick it up almost immediately - which still blows my mind!

  • Thanks Gary! I've watched so many videos....sometimes I think I've ran out of new ones to watch. I guess I'm just the kind of person that wants instant gratification. I've always had a nack for building things and having that instant gratification feeling, so when I try to learn to play the guitar, I get frustrated when it doesn't come out right the first time. I may be meant to build only....and that's ok I guess. I'm giving this cbg to a guitarist friend of mine. He's never played a cbg, but plans to learn and make a video for me to show off my build. I'm happy with that for now. Maybe he'll give me some pointers to get me playing!
  • Bob - guessing your builds sound great!  I'm not much of a player, but do like tackling 3 strings better than 6!  I trust you've checked out some of the videos posted here?  Also - several great CBG lessons on Youtube.  Now you've motivated me to post my latest effort here - learned to play "Wish You Were Here" via a Justin Johnson lesson.   Keep at it!

  • Thanks. I got away from building them for a while. I was building primitive style furniture. My shop size was just not quit big enough, plus building bigger stuff means bigger messes to clean up. So I'm back to building some cbgs. Now if only I could find the time to learn to play them. I've built maybe 5 guitars and have yet to hear one it's hard for me to tell if I'm making instruments or just cool wall art.
  • That looks great!

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