Stones in my pathway.

Off to a fair start. Hubcap has a heavy iron underliner that will not fit flush on the box top, Will need to raise the neck about two inches above the box.My biggest worry is when Linda notices her car is missing a hubcap. It is maybe time to get her a newer car.
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  • 306642730?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024This is how the build ended up and the hubcap is on the shop wall.  Poor planning.  I know how to do the cap if I want to try again.

  • She does, Patrick.  Thanks.

  • New car??? But I think Linda looks good driving the Hudson!!!

  • Thanks, JD.  

  • I like this. Nice work U.J.
  • Thanks, Bruce.  Plans to finish the box today and buy some neck wood on Thursday.

  • Looking awesome!

  • Thanks, Jerry.  LMMMBO RTZ -(laugh my monkey butt off).  

  • Image result for car missing one hub cap


  • Image result for car hub cap house

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