16mm steel tube screwed and epoxy glued to the neck, now fixed into the box. Humbucker and box reinforcement also in place, although the brackets for the pickup still need to go in.
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  • Hi John and Wes.

    John. Sorry. I seemed to have missed your comment. Very much appreciated all the same.

    Wes. Thanks. I'm very grateful for the feedback.

    All the best.


  • REALLY nice woodworking and finishing!



  • gettin' ready for heavy duty?    ;)


  • Hi Steve.

    Yes. You're absolutely right. Thanks for the comment.

  • making sure there, John....?   sure looks very strong!
  • Hi Wes.

    Thanks. Let's call it "peace of mind".

  • Hi Rafal and Tony.

    Thanks for the comments. I have a feeling it's not going to bend much.

  • good anatomy lesson. thank you!

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