Slothead complete

Easy to string, good string angle. Bone nut, Mike Orr custom cut thin Walnut fretboard. Oil paint stripes. MOP dots.
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  • Thanks Jerry. I’m sold on the slotheads. I use a Forsner bit to make a row of holes that overlap just a little. Then a course rasp to clean out the slot. Then a flat file to smooth and a Dremmel sanding drum to clean it up.

  • beautiful picture.,.,nice colors.,.,.Dave you make it look so easy.,.,another great build, and I was born in '65.,.,nice crisp lines and a great old crusty plate.,.,

  • Thanks Lonman. It takes a day or two to dry, but I can mix a color I like and it holds tough in use.

  • Looks cool. I like the oil paint stripes.

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