Slide Box 1

I decided to make a box to house my ever growing slide collection in....Thanks to some sage advice form Uncle John I also recently added some ceramic slides to my collection. Good call Uncle John, really really nice, and thank you so much for the tip! I've added a few more pics today showing a few of my recent slde aquisitions, hope everyone enjoys seeing them.
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  • Hi tap, I know exactly what you mean.....but I have other very similar boxes lined up for that purpose....!! Pleased you like it!

  • *cbg
  • Pretty sweet .i'd have to resist the daily temptation to make a cig out of it.
  • Thanks Maddog, also for the excellent new word!! (ha!)

    You guys are so nice....what a great community this is.

  • Beautimus!

  • I'm humbled Dave, truly, having seen examples of your art.....thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement. So pleased you like it!

  • Beautiful box! Love the f holes!
  • The slide box was so simple to put together....just a bit of walnut stain, some nice brass corner protectors and a sheet of 30mm high density upholstery foam. After I'd applied the f-hole stickers, I sprayed on some satin acrylic and rubbed it down with some ultra fine steel wool. I made the holes in the foam with some hollow punches, a 19mm and a 25mm for the larger ones.  

  • Yes, really appreciate the advice Uncle John and I'm really enjoying them. The tone and feel are really nice, and the 'stubbies' are an ideal weight. The big ones take a bit more 'handling' but it's all part of the fun! 

  • You are most welcome on the ceramic slide thumbs up.  That is a great looking slide box. 

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