Shiny new bridge for #25 lap steel

The old Fender relic has a new tail. At Monday night music, on the last song my tuning began to slip. Next morning i discovered why. The wood bridge had split. It is on the ground just below the Fender. A trip to Menards metal dept. got me some nice aluminum angle iron. New metal drill bits and Whalla....
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  • Not exactly as i got it. However, look in my album: Lap Steel guitars and you'll see it from start to finish. The first photo i've worked on it with one sanding. It still had the mother of toilet seat material on the fingerboard and head, but it was peeling up and came off like a snakeskin. I've got that as a template for future builds. I sanded on the body for several sessions, some with a belt sander. I stopped when i thought it looked "interesting". I've varnished it with many coats, so the paint won't chip and it feels good to hold. 

  • luvverly...i like that you haven't restored the paintwork on the body.

    is there a pic of it in the condition when you got it?

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