No 29 - Larger Strummin-stik

25" scale, full frets, sound box about 12"x5.5", nice maple neck, cherry top and cedar back. Piezo disc pickup. Old English Lemon Oil finish. I'd make a few design changes, but overall pleased!
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  • And yes, I think the bigger box does improve the sound quality.  Thanks again!

  • Thanks Jock!  The wavy base also fits more comfortably in the crook of your arm, so that's a bonus!  I didn't mention, but the fret markers were burned in using a allen head bolt as the 'branding iron'.  The smaller dots (12th fret, side fret markers) used a nail instead of the bolt.  I like the effect, and it's one of my favorite ways to mark frets now.

  • That's very nice. The two woods complement each other and I love the wavy base. I guess your bigger sound box gives a richer, fuller sound.

    Good job!

  • Thanks Bill - it sounds pretty good.  Would sound better if I played better!  ;-)

  • Very nice build.  How does it sound?

  • Thanks much AGP. High praise from a respected builder!

  • Yes!, I would be pleased with a beautiful build like that Gary, great selection of woods!, nice headstock & sound hole!!

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