One neck attachment scheme. The barrel bolts are 3/8" rod, length to suit, tapped 10-24, with a fat washer under the heads (inexplicably not shown). An appropriate neck block with a squeak-ish fit helps things along - any centerline alignment issues are ready for solving.It's a hell-for-stout approach. I made a long L-wrench for tightening from an Allen wrench, some tubing, Loctite, and stainless (!) rod from a political yard sign; access through an end peg hole. You can figure it out. (I got more goodness out of that yard sign than I did out of the politician, by the way.)
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Do you have a photo of how this fits in your box. Would like to understand how the box is slotted, etc. to receive this bolt on neck. I like your idea about interchangeable necks.
The handy bolt-on thing is, if you've got the perfect neck built, you can pretty easily swap boxes, and the other way around - beautiful box, but there's just something funny about the neck ...
Also gives new thought to "double-neck guitar." Fretted/fretless, different scales, and so on, for the same box.
Also gives new thought to "double-neck guitar." Fretted/fretless, different scales, and so on, for the same box.