Mutant instrument entry

Meet Gib. He’s quite unusual. He can play with himself. He can play other instruments; “Guests”. He’s High Strung but very talented.
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  • @Richard - love that - - The Lynas Touch! Great stuff here, Dave!
  • The Lynas “touch”! Pure gold Dave!
  • He may go astray James. Kids these days....
  • Good drawing Dave a Classical guitar Man How Cool!

  • He’s got a mouth Unc. Just hard to open your mouth with strings pressing on it. He can play a nose flute. You expect too much of a mutant Uncle John...I like Gib’s hairdo. Kind of Alfalfa. Gib’s a symphony performer. Classy high brow stuff. He can read music. Can you? He don’t sing.

  • Love it! You blew my mind again, Dave.
  • Liking Gib. No mouth - no vocals or harp?

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