Mockingbird Collage Aug 2017

I finished my Mockingbird Ukulele!
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  • Thanks Dano,

    This was my first time beveling the edges on an acoustic instrument.

    I used a spindle sander to rough in the edges and a palm sander to finish them.

  • That is just so, ah... er... ! I'm speechless with admiration, Rob. So wonderful!

  • Thanks John,

    The ready to use stuff makes us brave enough to try to build for the first time and teaches us that we can make something that works well and sounds good.

    It took me 43 instruments to get to this point and I learned something from every build.

  • that came out sa-weeeeeeeeeeet . ;-)

  • Very nice.  Nice setting and pics too.  

    True, Jim.   Not to diminish what the CBG guys do, but more so, I think, with something like this.  And now that you said it out loud, so much ready made to use stuff diminishes some of the pride of building.   At least it does or would for me. 

  • Jim,

    You are to kind.

  • Unabashed testimony:
    As opposed to yours truly (who simply jams a pre-cut piece of something-or-another into a cigar box, or between a coupla' boards and then slaps on strings and some paint), Rob is a true artisan.

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