Pipe Dream CBG

Altered my standard bolt on neck style CBG to accommodate a 1" PVC pipe neck. Surprising loud, not sure if it is just the box because I have never used one of these before or if the hollow neck adds some extra volume. The neck is on the chunky side but is smooth and comfortable. A fun experiment!

I thought, briefly, about sanding labeling off the pipe, but decided to orient it so "Made in America" would be a feature!

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  • Interesting! I did not know that. Thanks for the heads-up BrianQ. Are the labels Made in America and Made in the USA viewed differently?

  • Yea, California passed something a few years back saying if it's not made entirely of U.S. made parts, then you can't claim made in USA. That's why Fender's products say made in Corona, Ca. now? 

  • Hard these days to use anything made in America on our builds. Just wanted to celebrate a small success. Thanks for weighing in BrianQ!

  • Look at the brain on Doug!!! cool

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