Hawaiian guitar rehab

Today i got this great old slider. Painted binding and pick guard. I think it might be from the 50s. Solid wood with a big booming sound that wasn't changed from my bridge remake. I've tuned her in C6th. Low to high: CEGACE. I cobbled together a set of strings with the right gauges for C6th.
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  • Thanks Pick, that sure is a relative pick guard. Harmony Stella for sure. The routed headstock edging isn't there, but it is on my Lap Steel. I think we've got it. And Uncle John. For a nice sound that's uplifting and tranquil, you should give C6th a try. There's some good links in the Lap Steel group forum from Buddy. Some youtube vids with a good teacher. C6 is a harmonizing chord combination of C and Am. Bottom three strings in open C and top 3 in Am. Sweet. It ain't the blues, but sometimes you gotta swing...
  • here's a stella    to  campare  dave


  • I love the look of these, Dave.    Great job on the bridge.   Open C.  Hmmm.

  • Thanks Pick, Wes. I'm thinking it must be a USA product. Probably from Chicago. Good wood and well built. One of Pick's calls. I'm thinking Harmony.
  • tough  call ,  pick guard  makes  me  wanna   put  my   money  on Regal  ,  Oahu  and   even  Harmony  made  some  similar      in  Hawaiian   motif and  same  guard  .   .. 

  • Thanks guys. Pick, do you know the label? My Harmony lap steel has the same edging detail. Boy, i've been playing her most of the afternoon. What a singer. Loud and sweet. I'm liking the C6th.
  • bitchen!

  • kewl  .   ;-)

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