Half made Amp Head and speaker Cab

Half made Amp Head and speaker Cab
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  • Thanks Brian
    yeah i will get round to finish it one day , started making the metal corner protectors for it but still have 5 to make , thats the last thing i did on it months since now !
    lol! CBG house cool , with F-Hole windows - double glazed off course hehe!
    Cheers bro
  • this is a great pic to emphasize the size of your minature cbg and amp. great looking job on the mini half stack. if it was as ted says maybe that big guitar would be big enough to live in,and you could park you car right under the bridge. maybe ted is on to something there ju ju. you could build a super size cbg big as a house,one of a kind in the UK and planes would fly over your cbg house to get a pic from up in the air. then famous celebs like mick jagger would come and ask you hey ju ju can you build me a house like that.
  • Sorry no guts it's only a model , but your right on the Marshall side , it's based on my little marshall stack should have two speaker cabs but i thought one was enough , coverd it in brown leather so it looked more like the Acoustic range lol!
    thanks ben
  • Whats the guts of the amp Juju? Looks Marshally? Very very cool
  • Oh you found me out Ted hehe!
    Cheers Bro
  • Hey Spencer , i made them a while back but they just got pushed aside while i'm on with other things , will get round to finishing them soon
    Cheers mate
  • where you get them tiny little fellers?
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