Grocery store strings

Lidl brand, five sets, $10, stay tuned for a review
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  • I just ordered some bulk from China on the cheap.  I hope they aren't too bad but I won't know till possibly February or so.

  • Good enough for CBG’s, but I’ve bought similar direct from China for 90 cents a set. Alas, they are not the grail...

  • That's 33 penny's a string give or take. I have use Musician's Gear brand also.

  • Wow!   they should be good for CBGs.  I use some nearly as cheap from Musicians Friend, their Musicians's Gear brand.  They are fine.  I do invest in Elixirs for my acoustic six.

  • Hope they are worth the price.  Even if they turn your fingers black, if they sound good and hold their tone well I'd buy them.  

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