Duck, the Blues Dude

Here’s Duck, slidin the Blues.
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  • Bunch of likes Rick. You throw enough down and something magic can happen.

  • Can’t duck this Dave, the blues dude putting out on the pignose.  This is masterpiece stuff! I’ve been enjoying the incredible intricate  detail for the last 10 minutes. 

  • Thanks Unc. I think Gib has met his inspiration.

  • I can almost hear him, Dave.  Wonderful!

  • Thanks fellas. It’s a spring drizzle outside. Nice by my stove and my pencil’s sharp. The ink flows.

  • Pick, Could be a pig nose, but I’m leaning towards hound dog or Junkyard dog.

  • great Mose ! "Ducky on a Picky"

  • *is

  • aIs that a dog nose/ cat nose amp ?  lol ..

    awesome  vision man .  awesome work.

  •  Wonderful imagination, Dave. I really like this one.

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