Doubled Center string = GDdg

A relic in progress. The nut is too high and a few other things.Has anyone tried doubling the middle string on a IVI git? I use the middle string a lot and wanted to try it. Not sure I like the tone. Kind of jingly jangly. Will try it for a while.Bought the little cone on ebay. The metal pick guard is a happy accident. I screwed up the f hole on that side.Big box and cone and lots of volume.
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  • Unc,

    Very kewl build. Keep making mistakes like this. Are your doubled strings the same gauge? If so, try replacing one with a heavier (or lighter) gauge, and tune them in octaves, like the 4 lower strings on a 12-string.

    Piezo pickups work by transferring string (and other) vibrations to the quartz crystal structure in the piezo element. The changes in the crystal lattice as the piezo disk responds to vibrations generates a small, but measurable, current. This curent is what goes down your cable to your amp, where the amp amplifies (hence is name) that current to drive a speaker cone, which moves tha air In waves our ears sense as sound. A mag pup works somewhat differently. Using steel or steel core string, the vibration of a string interrupts the magnetic field of the individual pole piece below that string, which generates a current ( the same induction principle used by an electric motor, or by the old radio kit magnet being moved through a coil of copper wire) which is small, though larger than that generated by a piezo ( which is why piezos often work and sound better with a pre amp, which pre amplifies that current into something approaching that generated by a mag pup, before sending it on to the amp). That current then travels blah blah blah. There is an optimum height above each magnetic pole piece, which varies according to string gauge / thickness / mass, for each string; too far way, and you only perturb the mag field a little, generating a weak current; or too close, causing magnetic attraction of the string, and dampening its ability to vibrate freely, thus not perturbing the mag field much, and generating a weak current. That's why mag pups have height adjustment screws, and some types even allow for individual pole piece adjustment.

    That's the simplified version, without the math, of how the two pickup types work.
  • Thanks Bruce.  I realized what I want to do to the fret board.  Go back and burn some fret markers like a recent one by Jason Mills.  

    Jabes, pretty grand daughter and country side.   Don't know what a jamie/shuggy BAMPOT is...

  • NIce one, love the one hole look too! Great job on the relic finishing.

  • we don't get either of those ,visited james and family last w/e. pinkleg geese ousted canada geese and hatched 5 goslings awww. left the camera at home, not to worry they were a bit shy

    but we we did visit the seaside too this is not the seaside but a pic of one o the kids wear jamie/shuggy BAMPOT t-shirt305823620?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Jabes, I know very little about mag pups.  Seems like they work for nylon strings too?  Or is that a piezo for nylon?   Hmmm.     A piezo picks up vibration and changes it to electronic signal.  A mag pup???

    I just sent a message to Jason Mills asking for some instruction on mounting a mag pup.  

    On the reso?   Well, they look cool.   They seem to create a bit of what I describe as a metallic sound.  I think the shape creates an in the box echo like effect.  I think it increases acoustic volume at least on this git.  The top is oak plywood, a bit less than a quarter inch thick.  (thicker than I prefer).   The reso is very thin aluminum.

    Wild life pins?  Sure.  What can I send you?   Saw several Baltimore Orioles lately.   And a rose breasted gross beak. 

  • there's a thing, answer me - a mag pup picks up vibes from the steel strings, my ? is -how does it help having a reso-cone. do the strings vibrate different?

    not an issue, but i wondered about this a lot .


    i have some new issue wildlife pins, i'll send you a couple,-i'm not on the ear'ole btw..


  • Thanks Jabes.   I will get on it.  Got an order from Gitty today with my first ever magnetic pickup.  May likely try it here.   Kind of apprehensive about cutting into the top.....

  • what's not to like - nice one John, now get tweakin'

  • Mistakes are what steers us to success,this is success!!

  • Thanks Turkeychicken.   Seems like I do a lot of mistake covering.   It may be my best expertise!  

    Thank Wes.  I like it too.

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