Cool old MIJ up for auction this week

Here's my weekly offering on ebay. Relic maximus...
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  • Hey Smoke, it's just a matter of sandpaper and time on your hands. There are relics about, lurking and begging for a new life. Guitars just want to be played.
  • Thanks Richey. I poured some time into the paint removal and refinish. It came out good and the fellow who got her plays slide and will have fun with this one.
  • Well done Dave! I'm not surprised it went so fast, but good job all the same ;-)
  • Quick is right! Off she went in today's mail. It's a cool guitar with a good sound. I think the fellow who got her will likey...... Dave
  • Dang, that was quick.  I DID look at it on ebay.  No regrets.   Must be going to someone who really liked it.

  • That's OK Uncle John, it's gone already. A fellow bought it "buy it now" this morning while i was packing the National from last week. Who'd a thunk it? Wow....
  • Dave, I am trying to NOT look at it on ebay. 

  • Thanks guys, i knew you guys were the only ones who could truely appreciate this critter.
  • Oooh I like that. You can practically smell the grime!

  • One of the coolest. 

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