Coming home from the gig

Yanis and I hit a Black Bear coming home from the Wilma Town Hall Fall Fest last night. And here’s my new Cheroots Cello.
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  • Ya I spose a tune will arrive from our adventure. My amp did jump on twof my instruments but they seem fine. I couldn’t drive today in the monsoon. The fender liner got ripped out as it was crumpled between the front tire and the dent. So the engine would be sprayed with water in travel. Not good.
  • good thing the bear didn't come through the window and land in the back seat. not good for instruments. if he landed in your lap, no prob, open the door and let him out. he'd be dazed and confused, you'd be, ho hum, think this deserves a song. Yanis would say, "Dave, we could have had bear fillet in the freezer". (ever taste bear fillet? I did, properly seasoned and prepared for me it was better than cow/steer/whatever.....yummmmm)

  • Hope everyone is ok... That cello is made of sturdy stuff... no crumple zones on that beauty!

  • The infamous Black bear sessions :D

  • Ha guys. It’s a new day and a young Cello walked away safe. I added a sound hole and electronics today. Just tail and bridge to get her singing.
  • good thing you have the cello to hold up the car.

    good blessings, you too are ok. and so is the bear. he texted me this morning, just another night, hangover.

  • Dang, Dave. Did the bear walk away?
    Nice cello.
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