Cigar Box Fiddle - Outer Banks NC

First a music festival near Lexington,VA then on to a wedding with perfect weather in Duck, NC. Finally back home and trying to get caught up on things. I know I missed a lot of good builds and videos from you guys!
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  • :)

  • We have a mix of some sand bars and some mud on the Missouri River Jim, but mostly MUD.  :-)

  • You're right, Maddog. I've got the S. Branch of the Potomac running past me here in WV and I think it's kinda like your river - when I go down there to play I've got my toes in mud. That's pretty cool too!

  • Hey, anytime you can play music with your toes in the sand is a good time! Cool pic Jim, glad ya'll had a good time  :-)

  • Thanks Randy. I don't much like being on the road anymore but my wife was able to make this trip with me for a family member's wedding and I got to play with two old friends so it was well worth it.

  • The life of an entertainer pic Jim

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