Chris Lyons Nighthawk altered by myself

Forgive me Chris. I changed the headstock on the Hawk. Added a front mount peizo and went to standard tuners and nut. Striped the fretboard and added MOP dots for position markers.
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  • It is the green stand bush. It was late in the evening, cool and cloudy, this green bush stood. Pic me says she. Stand? I asked. Nighthawk says she. Got you covered, says we....
  • Nice modify Dave!

    John....the bush is known as the "Lime Green Guitar Stand Bush"

  • ;)

  • Keep the bees out of the guitars Uncle. They will swarm around your mouth cause you sing so sweet.
  • I don't know the bushes name and Yanis can't remember. the leaves turn color over the season. It's very harty and stays low. We like it.
  • Yup, Dave.  I get what you say.  Which reminds me I have one out in the shop that needs tweaking or buzz removal.

  • Thanks Jerry. I would have added the pickup inside but I don't have spider fingers to reach the best location. Chris suggested a hole in the neck through for a mag pup but I felt it would weeken the neck and lead to a bow. The neck is nice and strait as is and has good frets made of nails. One came loose but glued back with super glue. It plays perfect. I could have made an access hole in the back or side but I didn't want to add more holes. Fiddles and mandolins often use surface mount pickups. It's a good option in my opinion.
  • Uncle. I will modify any guitar if it doesn't' play well as far as intonation goes on the guitar. Otherwise I won't play it. It's a collaboration but Chris didn't know I was doing it. I wasn't going to post it so as not to offend him, but you showed your Lyons revise and I came out of the closet on mine. I love Chris' passion for his inventive guitars. I think they are what this revolution is all about. I just wanted to make my Nighthawk play for me.
  • Oh, oh, OH!    You mentioned modifying a Nighthawk and truthfully, other than changing to tuners you like better - it seemed like a bad idea to me. 

    But this finished product is more a collaboration build than a modification.  And I think it is an excellent collaboration.   I like it.

    Dave, what is that lime green leafed bush? 

  • WOW.,.,good job Dave.,.,I added side dots cause I like a road map.,.,i plan on adding a piezo to mine, but I will sneak it inside.,.,

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