Cool looking build Jerry. As far as antiquing nuts and bolts, you can take standard zinc plated hardware and soak them overnight in viniger [or however you spell it]...strips the finish down to bare steel, and looks good.
Could be as easy as painting nut and saddle bolts black. Could add some barn red to fake some rust. Just make the bolts kind of look old. Nice job and that will finish it off. Nothing cheesey about it!
Thanks Terry, I'll give it a try.
Cool looking build Jerry. As far as antiquing nuts and bolts, you can take standard zinc plated hardware and soak them overnight in viniger [or however you spell it]...strips the finish down to bare steel, and looks good.
Thanks, Uncle John, I'll give it a try.
Could be as easy as painting nut and saddle bolts black. Could add some barn red to fake some rust. Just make the bolts kind of look old. Nice job and that will finish it off. Nothing cheesey about it!
Any tips on the antiquing process, I've never tried it before?
Volume is OK but not as loud as a larger body, even with the acoustic strings.
Very cool. Antique that saddle a bit for a total old timey package.
Good acoustic volume?