CB Fiddle

I liked the one recently finished for Roger so I had to make another similar one.
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  • J.D I try to find boxes about 10 x 6" the longer the better but too wide can sometimes be a problem.

  • Jim ,I was going to ask you what size cigar box is best for a fiddle build w the curved sides ,if you don't mind. Thanks
  • Thanks Jim ,Im going to check Youtube along w the web to see if I can find any videos on curving the veneer or step by step instructions. I love these things.
  • Thanks JD. The curved sides were a challenge for sure. I made a form to clamp the veneer into the curve shape and use the same form to mark out the cut lines. Still, clamping it can give problems. If you really enjoy shaping wood and have time, the fingerboard is actually pretty fun to make. But.... I often have orders for several instruments at the same time and this time of year there are craft shows to get ready for so I keep some of the pre made ones on hand. 

  • Thanks  AGP.

  • Dang $10 ,that is a big time saver and ,That is up there w the nicest looking builds out there in my opinion ,I'm working my first CBG and seeing this makes me want to give it a try and 10 bucks ain't bad! the curves on the sides look nice ,but I bet getting those curved sides and the build its self is really tuff to pull off.
  • The whole build is real treat for the eyes!! (^_^)

  • Oh, and I was playing several other string instruments prior to taking up fiddle. Quite a lesson in humility!

  • Thanks J.D. in the past I've made my own fingerboards.The radius poses a unique challenge and it would take me about 3 hours just to get it shaped.Recently I've been using ebony pre made ones from China and elsewhere.For less than $10 each they're very nice -  quite a time saver. I still have some of my homemade roughed out ones that I'll eventually use since I have a thing about doing as much as possible by hand or by re purposing. Still I'm a realist and pragmatist when I have several builds to finish!

  • Thanks Roger.

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