cabin bunch 2013

Our friend Lisa Elmaleh is the tintype photographer who got us to sit still for 15 seconds. This shady looking crew is the bunch I jam with semi-regularly. Don't worry - the cigar box instruments are just out of sight.
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  • Fantastic!

  • Thanks Maddog. We don't have no wine tastings here but the 'shine tasting parties go into the wee hours and the music is crazy good!                                                                                             

  • This photo is just awesome Jim! I can just imagine the amazing sounds coming from that porch when ya'll jam.

  • That's right turtlehead. This is the same photography technology Brady used during the Civil War and it's well documented that soldiers were making CB instruments for camp entertainment.Most of the old time music we play at the cabin dates back to that era as well so it all fits.

  • Nice history, Jim.   Quite the hillbillies!

  • Little Lane is sitting beside his Dad and is a bit blurry because it's hard for a 5 year old to hold still for 15 seconds.

  • That guy is on the lam now and hasn't been heard from since this photo went public. As rough as this crowd looks, there's a retired Veteranarian, a master's degree in horticulture who taught for 33 years at the local High School, a retired firefighter, 3rd from the left is professional musician Ben Townsend and a few other semi-reputable types. Our friend the retired judge wasn't there that day. He gained national notoriety for denying Oliver North's request for a gun permit in VA on the grounds of his criminal conviction. When I first got together with this group I thought I was getting in with a bunch of WV hillbillies!

  • Nice.   Looks like it could be at least 40 years ago.  Who is the odd looking fellow 5th from the left?   I think I saw his photo in the post office today and a reward was mentioned.

  • Thanks Muddy Creek. Lisa lives in Brooklyn, NYC but travels around with a huge old camera and jugs of chemicals in the back of her truck taking and developing photos like this right on the spot. It's pretty cool to have a young   (20 ish)  person using this old technology in a digital age. No sepia hued photo shopping needed!

  • Nice photo. Looks like it could be 1913.
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