Basic Black

Basic Black
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  • Good comments, Daniel.

  • Thanks, Bones.
  • Got to love a roster like this nice work UJ .
  • black on white, white on black. together they live in harmony. (i mentioned i did research on Iowa plates. they have more colors than a rainbow. but I like the b&w).

  • LOL, Brian. It won't start on these cold Iowa mornings. Actually, quite warm here today. 55 and sunny. Cold coming back in next week.

    Thanks, Dave. They get plenty of blues, Gospel and old timey.
  • Excellent family of gangsters. Blues machines. 

  • That Terraplane needs to come out more often, uncle? (Hint, Hint)  :D

  • Thanks, guys.  I like all of these. 

  • Uncle's dark side is coming out.
  • Nice tetrad of instruments 'UJ'   :-) :-) :-) :-)

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