Almost finished

Marker dots yet to come. Banjo on my knee. But this ain’t Lusyanna.
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  • Really neat! I like the blue tinges.

  • Thanks Uncle. Yes I noticed little green grass tips poking out of the brown litter while photos were taken. Put a Spring in your step. Zippidy Do Dah.

  • No factory for me Daniel. Sounds like slavery to me. One at a time is fine. You need a warehouse for a factory. Unions, goons, payola. All that stuff. Only a few are buying what I make anyways. I work best for fun. I had fun today. Now i’ll Try and learn some new chops on banjo. :D)

  • Thanks AGP. Yup a three string. I always make 4 string banjos but I enjoy playing 3 string most, so... I like the skinny neck too. Now i’ve Got ideas for my next banjo too. One leads to 2, yahda yahda...

  • Total beauty and the grass is greening.

  • "josie whale's"(sp?) has some good banjo in it. love those old clint eastwood movies. first one i saw him "dance". very pretty Dave. Start a factory, let the carpenter copy your git. one of my fantasies. "Lions Guitars and Musical Mayhem". there i go again. ah so.

  • "Looking Good Dave", didn't realize in the early pics that it was going to be a 3 stringer, can't wait to hear it, I built an Appalachian Style 3 Stringer a little while back, and regretted not adding frets at the time, but!, that will change when time permits  :-)

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