AGP #216 - ''King Edward''

AGP #216 - ‘’King Edward’’(3 String Cigar Box Guitar )Scale : 635mm / 25inchesStrings : .044BW / .034BW / .026BW /Tuning: GDgFound the 2"x1" piece of hardwood for the neck in the car park of my local gym, which I left “au naturel”, (other than the headstock and neck cuts).There is a Rod Piezo sandwiched between the underside of the box and the neck below the bridge (which along with nut was cut from the broken end of the 2”x1”), I’m not a real fan of Piezo’s, but this one sounds just fine on the Acoustic and Clean settings on my Roland Cube Amp.
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  • No neys here. This one's got IT!
  • Even  better, AGP.   Gary, all opposed say nay.

  • Excellent! Thanks for the info on Sgt. Speed!

  • "Awww" thanks for all the nice compliments guys, but!, I'm not sure about UJ's comment on the builder being nominated for "Relic of the Year", as he himself is considerably older than I (by a couple of weeks from memory:-)

    Picked the box up for a couple of bucks on a trip to the bush last weekend, but nearly didn't buy it because of the condition it was in, but as soon as I got back up home I immediately used it in this build, must have been the "Mojo Effect", as stated before somewhere, that being a bit of a Genealogical enthusiast I did do a bit of quick research on 'William Frank (Francis) Speed, and providing my research is right, he was born 1890 in Qld, and later went on to become a Sergeant of Police.

  • I'm guessin' the motion carried?

  • Perfectly in tune Unc!

  • Taah-Wanggggg.

  • I second that Unc. All in favor signify with a G power chord.

  • I nominate this one and this builder for RELICs of The Year.

  • Yup, I'll sometimes get an old box that has 'buttons" or 'screws" written on it but this is a first. 

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