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  • Perfect....Thanks Eric...I figured that would be the way to go but wanted to get a second opinion before I dove in. The label is slightly situated higher than the middle but even by centering the neck on the box it should still look good. I'll post some more as I start my work. Thanks again for the feedback dude.
  • Hey man, great box -- Just cut it as if there was no bevel...but obviously inset a tad so the fret board ends (or starts?) at the 'top' level of the bevel where the flat top starts -- jeez that sounds like gibberish --- but maybe you know what I mean -- depending on how high off the top you want the fretboard, you probably won't even need to cut into the side of the box...just cut a straight notch in the top (like in the second photo)Just cut straight in until you meet the flat top, then nothch teh neck board to allow that little inset...it'll look cool and and teh bevel will wrap down around the sides of teh neck where it meets the body. if that all makes zero sense. I can doa a drawing if you want... best of luck (and is the paper label dead center where you'd like the neck to line up? if so that's gonna look cool as heck that the label runs in line with the neck.
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