Everything about fiddle making and playing is to me intimidating and a lesson in humility. The very words "master Italian violin luthier" send a cold shiver down my spine. However to carve a scroll worthy of a cigar box fiddle seems an attainable goal.
The Motolla method is VERY accessible/approachable.
Everything about fiddle making and playing is to me intimidating and a lesson in humility. The very words "master Italian violin luthier" send a cold shiver down my spine. However to carve a scroll worthy of a cigar box fiddle seems an attainable goal.
Ah. Scroll carving. Worth doing. :-)
These are the links that served me:
Those are quite encouraging - and Motolla's approach is very "do-able".
If you wish to be intimidated, check this thread, by a master Italian violin luthier: