Cedar Stummer and Hog Fiddle

The hog fiddle is an old cutting board made into a diddley.Strumer: I got the piece of cedar from Dave Lynas and thought it would be great for a strum stick - stick dulcimer. It sounds loud and good, but needs a few tweaks.See the close together frets? I looked up dulcimer fret placement on Stew Mac and it had me put that in there. Turns out it is an F#. I don't like it and may remove it.
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  • Aint too bad with blackstrap molasses. Acquired bad taste...

  • Those pancake gaskets taste awful.  

  • Could be a nice theme build. Would have to involve farm machinery and pancake gaskets. Lol!

  • Uncle, is it true you have to climb your telegraff pole to work on your computer?
  • Gary, " Greeen  Acres is the place to be!   Farm living is the life for me!"  

       That is going to bewilder any young folks reading it.  

  • I'll bet the Piig Plucker is much smarter than most people think!  I'd probably call it Arnold, as in Ziffel. 

  • Good name, Pick.  I added some fret markers and a string guide this morning.  It has a fat, meaty tone to it.  


  • Thanks guys.  I am in a G tuning and may sharply pull the F out of there.  Good to know what the deal was.

  • F sharp is useful in D tunings. Often used in Irish melodys.
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