#1 Is Done!

Just completed my first CBG! Haven't plugged it into an amp yet, but WOW can't believe the tone and volume it puts out! Couldn't have done it without a lot of very good input and advice from many of the members here. Thank you all!Now I just have to learn how to play the dang thing!!#2 is in the works. This stuff is like crack.
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  • Love the clean lines and simplicity of this one. The angle of the sound holes ties in with the headstock too - it's great !


    Thanks for the props, guys!  Can't believe how much fun this was to build.  I took it with me to a music store yesterday to buy a few picks, and the clerk tuned it for me (DAD) and plugged it into an amp so I could see if my electronics worked.  All I can say about that is WOOOOHOOOOOO!!  I love the tone and it cranked!  Got home and started learning a simple walking blues riff.

    On another note (pun intended), I found the process very cathartic and therapeutic.  My father died about three years ago, and though he was an amateur, he was a master woodworker most of his life, and I picked up his love of the hobby long ago.  Since he passed, though, I haven't had the motivation to pick up a chisel or saw again until now.  Finding this site and rekindling my love for woodworking has brought back a lot of wonderful memories of our time together.

  • ha ha ha you said crack,  that look great, again I really like the sound holes.
  • Cool, yer gonna have a lot of fun playin' it. Check into Kenny Lee Burgess' videos on you-tube or on this site to learn how ta play. Outta the corner of my eye as i'm typing i'm seeing Kenny Lee singin' away, LOL. Well looks like ya got some building skills, now slide some glass on those strings and the hook will be set deep!!
  • Very neat job - like the Art Deco soundholes!
  • Very nice work there Hal...
  • Looks great! I really like the sound holes, good job.
  • That's a very nice "clean" looking instrument. Very fine work.
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