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  • Thank you Laurie Lee. No, it is just a rooster. I used to have bout 50 chickens and one rooster back in the 70's too. It was fun feeding, watering, and gathering the eggs. Come sundown, our chickens were ready to get into the barn. We would let them out during the day to roam in the fenced pasture.

    I am working on another chicken CBG. We have a wild chicken festival here on March 19th. I was hoping to have enough to take up there, but I don't think I will. Maybe next time. We have wild chickens running loose in town; everybody feeds them. Some people get aggravated with them scratching up their flowers and straw. These chickens are protected by law. It is funny to go to town and meet a chicken crossing the street.

    I hope you are feeling better this morning. Take care.

  • such cool art, Diane! :-) don't have chickens but have em in the past and they are fun,....is that a favorite rooster?...I still have an image of my mom in 60s stretch pants chasing the "killer rooster" with a two by four raised above her head!!..(he jumped us kids numerous times, and finally, her--!  she did not catch him, but he did wind up in a pot not long after, poor fella....LOL)
  • Thank you very much, Linda.
  • Thank you very much Uncle John, Fernando, and Pattie.
  • That is gorgeous.  Hope it crows as good as it looks.

  • I love this chicken one...very nice Dianne...
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