





July 26

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  • oh cool...how about a video with the slide and the diddley bow..would like to see them in action : -)
    I'm getting on ok thanks....doing a collaboration with my cousin who's a bit of a singer/songwriter...when she saw the videos of my CBG's she was fascinated and wanted us to do a song together...can't believe how much is involved...fun though!!!
  • Hello Tim,it is so cool to hear from a valued customer.I'm so glad to hear that you enjoy your CBG.I only wish that I had learned of this site before as there are plenty of cool people and great ideas on there.Once again I'd like to thank you for the kind words and your invite to become friends.Michael P.S. 3 Strings Or Death!!!
  • Good thanks, callouses forming nicely posted a couple of videos but not on the cbg yet... easing into that one....just started a new job so practice will take a back seat for a little while...
  • Hey Scalliwag I got Micheal Neis to join CBN - he's joined under his name so he shouldnt be hard to find just look for the signature pigs head...lol
  • how's the sliding goin???
  • Hi Tim, sounds like we are very much on the same journey of discovery. I've was actually told by my guitar teacher at school not to bother putting in more effort cause I didnt have what it takes (like Lisa Simpson and her stubbie fingers and the saxamaphone).
    Played the flute later on so have some musical skill but this is a whole new adventure.
    Last year I took up playing the african drum so I have some more confidence in playing with other people.
    Yeah Miceal was extremely helpful to me as well - we have to spread the word that "That guy with the pigs head" is very helpful and makes a great starter instrument : D
  • oh right..well I've never reached the point of being able to play what I heard on anything!!.....yeah if you could do that I can see how it would be a bit like starting again in a way...guitars don't seem as clear as a keyboard, but I'm finding the CBG's, especially with the 3 string in open tuning quite easy to get something going (only simple things though!)....also as I try to find what I want, I sometimes come across something else that sounds good!!...if you're enjoying it I'm sure things will start to happen : -)
  • Ha ha, well not too long to wait now!!....yeah Randy seems like a really nice guy and puts so much time into those slides, I'm sure he could charge more...not that I'm complaining!!
    Ah it was the same guy....yeah I found that he just didn't seem to understand what the problem was?!...but then he did offer me my money back...wonder why he didn't do that with you??...anyway hope you get it sorted in the end.
    Thanks for the compliment on my playing...I hadn't been playing any guitar for over 20 yrs, but a few months ago I got a small travel guitar, and then more recently my CBG's...thought it would be like starting from scratch, but some of what I'd learnt still seemed to be in there somewhere!!...also mess about on the piano a bit which I found helped a bit with understanding the theory...interesting you found that got in the way??
  • Hi, was on Randy's page and saw you've got your slide, but it's been whipped away to be wrapped up for Christmas!! ha ha....sounds like your pleased with it?....don't think the guy is charging anywhere near enough for what he does!!
  • Hi, it's going great thanks...can't put the guitars down!!...got a blister on my index finger : -( will have to play more slide till it hardens up a bit. Loving the bone slide...have tried metal, copper and glass as well but Randy's is my favourite...bit fiddly getting the adhesive moleskin inside, but now I've done that it fits perfectly and feels really comfortable!... yours looks great on the photo!!...expect it'll turn up soon. Yeah it was Hogs that put new necks on for me, he did a great job!!
    btw was it the same guy you bought yours off?? Chatzifortwilliam??...saw he had another one on recently which went for quite a bit...I'd advised him to put on future listings about the frets not being accurate (being a drummer he didn't see what the problem was!!) but there was no mention of it...maybe he's learnt from his mistakes and done them right this time....hope so or that will be another dissapointed person : -(
    Ha the Pig's head guy...they look like a real bargain!!!!...you could always put some frets on that one yourself?...glad you liked the videos...when are we going to see one of you?? : -)
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