



Chicago, IL


June 16

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  • My new best friend! This little Marples pull saw (23 tpi) rips thru oak and purple heart like a hot knife thru you-know-what! The Shark pull saw is great for long pieces but in the few days that I've had the Marples, I've used it exclusively. Love this thing!

  • Marcianix,

    May All Your Dreams Come True. Peace & Love To The CBG Nation!!

    Happy New Year, Great Boxes!!

    Tony Lazarski
  • Great to see you here! Looks like you are off to a great start!!!!
  • thank you for the kind intros.. nice to meet both of you. I've looked at many of your posts and pics Tres. Your Punch CBG was one of the first ones I found here..
  • Welcome aboard, Marcianx! You will find lots of helpful folks and information here on all things CBG (CBB, CBU, etc.) Feel free to poke around, ask questions, and post your stuff (photos, recordings, videos, etc.).

    Most of all, have fun!

  • lol.... now people know that you have 12 years worth of cigar boxes you are going to be soooo popular....
    Welcome, CBN is a fun place to be.
  • I've been lurking around here for a few weeks, reading everything on CBG builds, tips and tricks.

    I'm a cigar smoker, not a musician. I only discovered CBGs because I was trying to find something to do with my 12 yr collection of cigar boxes (10 packing boxes full) that was driving my wife crazy! LOL

    I found that I could make woman's purses or build a CBG... guess which one I chose.. LOL! So I gave away half of my cigar box collection to my oldest son's school (have no idea what they are going to do with them, but I'm checking ebay to see if they turn up there :>).

    I've taken the other half of the collection and gone through them one at a time with only one thought in mind, "would this make a good CBG?".

    It's taken me awhile, but I started my first build this week... a mayorga robusto (one of my fav cigars), 3 string w/ a 20" scale for my lil'est boy.. all of 4 (and a half --as he would have me say it).

    Since I have/had no knowledge of cigar playing/building, it's been an interesting ride.. learning along the way what a 'nut' is, what a 'bridge' is, what a 'fret' is (certainly changing my previous definitions of those words).

    Last week I memorized the parts of a guitar, this week I'm building one.. that's jumping into the fire with both feet!

    My plan is to build three CBGs straight away... 1st one for my lil'est boy, 2nd for my 1st born (my 'big' boy, all of 7) and the 3rd for myself. I've picked out the boxes for my boys (Mayorga and LaLuna robusto) but I haven't yet decided which one for myself. I have some gorgeous ones that I'd love to use, but I might need a lot more practice in building before I decide to take the plunge and use one of those beauts.

    I live in a condo and only get time to work on my CBGs at night and on the weekends so I can't use power tools most of the time. Hand tools and the dining room table (my wife will rue the day she made me discover CBG building. HAHAHA) are what I have at my disposal.

    that's all for now- runoutofspace
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