Scott aka Farmer Ted's Discussions (10)

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Home Brew Champ Tube Amp

A friend gave me an old Forcite explosives box. I had a home spun Fender 5F1 Champ chassis on my bench that was finished this past summer. It was built from scratch, using two re-claimed transformers and vintage 10" speaker, and a donor chassis.

I ad

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Guitar Tone Capacitor Shootout

Dan Sleep and I had a discussion about tone capacitors in guitars recently. There are lots of methods, mods, and tastes for which tone capacitor value sounds best to the individual.

This isn't a comparison of those differences. But the video attached

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Kalamazoo Model 1 Deluxe

It's been a while since I have built any guitars. A new passion has taken my attentions...restoring vintage tube amplifiers.

A few months ago I found a vintage tube amp chassis on Ebay. Compulsion urged me to click "bid", and so I did...and won.


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