



Perth, Western Australia


August 7

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  • Hi Peter,  Like your cbg builds.  Glad to have you for a nation friend.

  • Peter,

    For this one I actually bought the fret board with the slots pre-cut. I think it was 23 7/8 inch scale.

    I tried standard coated bass strings and also the "weed wacker" nylon strings as shown. I crimped ferrules on the ends to secure them in the bridge.



  • Yeah I think I know where it is. I'm south of the river.... go to Mega Music all the time. Cheers.
  • Thanks man. I cant get enough of it at the moment.... its kind of consuming me right now.
  • I have found a couple at secondhand stores around the city and actually went to a place in Lodon Court in the Perth CBD called Devlins. They sell cigars and cigar boxes but they start at $20 for an empty box which is a bit rich and against the whole idea I reckon. They had a bout 30 to choose from and also have a store in Subi I think if you ever run out. Cheers.
  • You have some pretty neat pics there mate. How long have you been doing them and where do you find your boxes?
  • thanks peter that is a top compliment for me sir----i,m on vacation and have been for a few weeks--i go back to work on monday oh well i can still build stuff after work in the evenings yep.thanks again.
  • Thanks your comment but sorry no plans and also no step by step pictures. Actually it's a very easy and fast project. You just use the housing of the light. You stick a 5W speaker in it , drill the hole(where the wire normally comes out)a little bigger, cover it with any kind of plate(ofcourse with a hole or holes), make a small wooden stick(a normal broomstick is just the size of a mikeholder) that fits the mike and thats it.
    Success ! in case you have plans to make one. grtz. Werner
  • Peter, you are very welcome. I am working on my 2nd build and thinking about the 3rd and 4th builds to come. I am still learning while making mistakes. But I love building them. I haven't learned how to play except one tune----Shortin Bread. Thank you for your kind comments on mine, thank you for the encouragment. Happy building.
  • Hey Peter, you have some very nice builds. Great job.
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