



Tomball, TX

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  • Kustomdelux!  Thanks for friending me.  Now those are some BEAUTIFUL builds you have there!  Seriously well done!  Now see?  That's what I'm talkin' about.  That's the kind of creativity and ingenuity ANYONE would enjoy seeing and hearing. Just think how much fun, not to mention inspiring, it would be to have a monthly, " pickin and grin'in session". And i love your idea of doin' a little building and swapping while we're at it!  Well OK Kustom!  That's two of us and I know there's a bunch more of us out there.  Stay in touch!  Lets make it happen!

  • Hello,
    I have started a CBN group entitled, "How to Play CBG" It is my hope and intention to encourage the "Wealth of Talent" here on the Nation to share their knowledge and skill to further the CBG movement. Please consider contributing an instructional "video" link to this group. If you are a viewer seeking instruction, please feel free to write. If you have any suggestions or know other players who you think may want to post instructional "video" links, please contact me. Thank you for your interest and support, Keni Lee
  • Thanks for the compliments....! The inlay wasn't that hard, just time consuming....
  • Thanks Man, will do.
  • Not really but i think the youngun's like them when they play them . I guess it reminds them of air guitars. ha I'm into old time music with fiddles and dulcimers. I make some dulcimer cb strummers and gourd dulcimers. Started to make cbg slides with open g tuning lately. Fun to play. Would like to make some resonators next. I go down to crockett texas once a month to play in a dulcimer old time jam club.
    check out camp street cafe. com the gillette brothers own it. steve
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