



Green Bay, WI


May 9

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  • Cool if you can. Nice re. helping Shane out. He's a longtime buddy, have always had fun jamming w. him. Ok, on to the excitement of laundry :) -Glenn

  • In Grafton at Paramount Blues Festival, 12:30pm, 60 min. set w. my harpmeister friend Joe Filisko on Sun. Sept. 4.

  • Hey Ken,

    I play the Bay about once ea. year, born and raised in Beaver Dam so... love dat cheese! I totally know what you mean re. Shane, a good man sharing addiction to cbg's!! What audio work do you do I ignorantly ask? :) =Glenn

  • Thank you. Michael is a great guy he has a short video with the cbg. Also over on my page if you check out the video I did with Ryan's cbg you'll get an idea of what they sound like. I have been at it a while now so my builds are pretty consistent. The other video to check out (if you're interested) is the short clip with JC's build. That's based on a two bottle wine box. The bigger box sure has a fuller/warmer sound. Thanks again for the invite....
  • Thanks for friending me... looks like a pretty cool place you have here.... 

  • 305996378?profile=RESIZE_180x180

    Thanks Kenneth your obviously a man of impeccable taist

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