hi Guys nGals, What music software are you all using to make your home recordings ?? in the past ive used Acid pro but my old pc has even up the ghost so i got myself a laptop with win 7 on it . and as you can guess my old acid program doesnt work on win7, i dont want to spend cuebase kinda money......so any help would be grateful .....Soul

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  • hi Mark,
    Well ive uploaded Audacity latest verion (Dont ask me which !!)
    on to my laptop last night and it seems to be working fine.
    messed about making drum loops and they saved fine with no windows errors.
    but i also managed to get another freeware called Kristal which is a 16 track recorder, with a mixing desk built in
    and you can also add effects too, You can save your tracks either wav or mp3.
    Now this is an old piece of software but amazing it works fine with Win7 too.
    not sure if i am allowed to put the link up here for kristal so email me if any of you want it.
  • I use Audacity too. Currently using v.1.3.9 on Windows XP. I'd be interested in confirmation that it's OK under Windows 7 too.
    (I'm not planning to change OS any time soon - I hate Microsoft's strategy of forced obsolesence - but I have to cover against the possibility that hardware failures might necessitate a move to a newer version)
  • cheers for that Fergus..... will google it asap
  • absolutely!

    Soulcatcher & His DooFa Diddley said:
    can you multi track on Audacity ?
    as i dont just play the CBG i play keyboard and 6 string Guitar
  • can you multi track on Audacity ?
    as i dont just play the CBG i play keyboard and 6 string Guitar
  • For my simple purposes a free and open source program called Audacity is great.
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