UK Cigar Box Documentary

Hi everyone- thought it might be a good idea to start a discussion page instead of using the main thread in the Brits are Coming group.

This is open to anyone in the UK interested in participating or contributing to the documentary I am producing about the growing UK cigar box & DIY instrument building/playing scene. I would love to hear from you and get your input, how you got started, where you are based. Also, it would be great to be able to use some images/short video clips of you and your instruments (building, playing etc)  if possible. 

So far we've got some great people on board. Thank you for being so gracious and helpful. 

The deadline for the completed short film is 15 March 2010 - so the first half of February is going to be a bit intense with filming. The last half will be mainly set aside for editing. 

Well,  that said, I had better a start on the day.  
-Y'all have a good'n. :)



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  • Hi John - Les is editing some stuff at college this morning but she will be chuffed that a) it arrived! and b) that you like it so much - the next one will be even louder about getting the message across I am sure!
  • Oh Boy...just had the first sight of Lesley's "Cigar Box Revolution" short film this's been a long wait...but it's such a cool piece, packing so much into such a small package!

    It's got to go global!!!! Such a wonderful advert for the cigar box guitar scene, and the fact that it's truly home-grown. I've watched it about 6 times already!!!

    I'm totally knocked out by this - captured the whole spirit of the scene. Well done!
  • Absolutely terrific looking forward seeing this!

    LeSaMilano said:
    UPDATE! (posted also on Chickenbone John's 2010 Festival thread)

    Hello Everyone!

    As John mentioned below, I will be attending the Festival this year (along with MrRandomwritings) and my documentary short film 'Cigar Box Revolution, Made in the UK' will be screened at the event. A world premiere! I hope you will all enjoy it - and why not - it stars your very own Chickenbone John, HOLLOWBELLY, BLues Beaten Redshaw as well as special contributions from some illustrious UK CBN members. Everyone involved did a terrific job and I'm truly grateful to all of you for the support.

    The next phase of the UK Cigar Box Revolution Documentary will also begin at the festival, so you will see me filming throughout the day and evening - and I would love to interview anyone to get your perspective on the UK side of the DIY instrument movement and your involvement in it. I hope you'll join me in helping to spread the word - and enthusiasm you all have for CBGs. Thanks so much and see you there!

  • UPDATE! (posted also on Chickenbone John's 2010 Festival thread)

    Hello Everyone!

    As John mentioned below, I will be attending the Festival this year (along with MrRandomwritings) and my documentary short film 'Cigar Box Revolution, Made in the UK' will be screened at the event. A world premiere! I hope you will all enjoy it - and why not - it stars your very own Chickenbone John, HOLLOWBELLY, BLues Beaten Redshaw as well as special contributions from some illustrious UK CBN members. Everyone involved did a terrific job and I'm truly grateful to all of you for the support.

    The next phase of the UK Cigar Box Revolution Documentary will also begin at the festival, so you will see me filming throughout the day and evening - and I would love to interview anyone to get your perspective on the UK side of the DIY instrument movement and your involvement in it. I hope you'll join me in helping to spread the word - and enthusiasm you all have for CBGs. Thanks so much and see you there!

  • HI John, yes, it will be ready well before - should be finished in the next week or so! I was thinking of putting a sort of trailer up on CBG, should be ready any day. :)

    ChickenboneJohn said:
    Can't wait to see this - will it be available to show at the CBG Fest in October?
  • Can't wait to see this - will it be available to show at the CBG Fest in October?
  • Hi Ben - sorry I haven't posted here for a while - the short documentary is 99.9 percent finished - just a few tweaks to get to to the 100% mark. I am working on it now and will let you know when it is finished. It's looking great! Everyone's contribution was amazing, and I am so grateful for all the help.
    - Lesley :)

    Roosterman said:
    Hi Lesley

    Any news? Did I miss it?? Id love to be able to see what you produced :o)

  • Hi Lesley

    Any news? Did I miss it?? Id love to be able to see what you produced :o)

  • you introduced me to a terrific group of folks here dear. I'm surprised they let you in! LU xox

    MrRandomWritings said:
    Hi dear, looks as though you are getting a lot of support here - I would expect no less of course! Some good comments and ideas flowing around. Especially like the fact that folk here aren't guitar bores (Mark to name but one!) or trying to be rock Gods as that always put me off playing in public - the oiks who come up and tell you they have an okey cokey brain blaster at home while you try to hide your cheap strat copy and keep the bugger in tune!
  • It was a fun interview and demonstration John - you're a great storyteller. I had a look through the footage and there are some very good bits. The bad bits are when the camera operator lost her way! haha

    Thank you so much for your generosity and hospitality. Look forward to the festival 2010!

    will keep you posted.....I'd best set aside plenty of time for the editing phase!


    ChickenboneJohn said:
    Hi Lesley,

    I hope the footage is of some use...and hope that I wasn't too rambling. It must have been a long day for you traveling up from Devon. The filming was a new experience for me, and an enjoyable one at that. It was quite a challenge to quickly put together a guitar on camera, but I managed it..hardly my finest hour, but at least I know it can be done and you got it in the can.


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