Review Writing

After the festival, I'm looking to try and evangelise the CBG word a bit..trying to place reviews of the festival....and also Hollowbelly's and Tinqui8's CDs.

I've got a couple of places where I can start punting them out, but feel that with the festival itself, I can't write review of an event I it's up to somebody else to do it.  It's a great opportunity, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of the potential publicity boost..but it does need doing NOW while it is still current.

Does anybody feel able to do this?  I can give you some guidance on the article length, but as I say, this needs doing a few days it will be too late.

Pip pip


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  • Hi Smojo..I've messaged you..but don't let this stop other people stepping up and offering to review CDs and any other UK CBG happenings.
  • I previously wrote an article about CBG intended for publication so maybe I could use part of that to speed things up a bit. I'll have a crack at it and see what you think
  • I'd quite like to have a go John but doubt I could do it so quickly. What length would the article need to be roughly?
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