Hi all. 

I've got a new job which means that mid February I move even further East to Bradwell in between Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. 

Anyway, I was wondering whether there's anyone out that way?

Not sure where I'm going to get my cigar boxes from there as I get them free at the moment from a local tobacconists. On the plus side - the new house has a garage with an extra room with a woodworking bench in it. The surveyor said they'd throw it out before I moved in - I said NO!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, it'd be good to know of anyone out there.


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  • Just think how many new members to the nation there will be once you start spreading the word Chris

  • Maybe not quite Great Yarmouth...but I love the song...(also used in soundtrack of the Big Lebowski...)


  • The eastern most point.....isn't that where all the elves, Bilbo and Frodo went?

    Over 20 years since I ventured over there and if it still exists Great Yarmouth Wax Works is worth a visit just to hear all the punters asking each other "Who the f**k is that supposed to be?"

    Norwich is close and is a great city - I'd be amazed if there isn't a good music scene going on there.

  • Thanks John,

    On the plus side, I should have all the cigar boxes in the locality to myself. I guess that's what you get for moving to the eastermost point of the country...... 

  • Hmm..I get the distinct sound of tumbleweed blowing along the seafront...surely there must be someone out there? Best of luck!

  • I guess not......

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