I've been building and playing for about 3 years now. I mostly play 4 string guitars because that is what Im most familure with and there are lots of places to find uke tabs.

At this stage on 3 stingers  I've mastered the  major, minor and 7th chords and I can play all kinds of shuffles but I still feel very limited on a three string.

I've seen some amazing 3 string videos here and would love to learn some more interesting arraingements.

Is there a source for 3 string Tabs?

Are anyone of the many advanced players out there willing to share some of there top shelf licks and song arraingements in an Ebook?

I know The CB Nation is always making E albums.  How about a book to inspire floundering players like myself.

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  • Oh my I SO would buy that!!

  • in the words of mark morton and willie adler(lamb of god) TAB IS FOR SUCKERS!! learn to use your ears. that being said if i get stuck on a song im trying to learn i will turn to tabs, but only as a last resort. first ill look through all my old guitar world mags to see if i find it there and if i dont i will go to a tab website to find it. i play a 3 stringer tuned A E A and i use 6 stringer tabs to figure out what i need, but i always try to play by ear first. when i was younger i relied heavily on tabs until i got into bands and started playn and jamming with other musicians. one way to train your ears is to play your instrument along with songs that you already know.

  • I'm liking the idea of making some tabs. I usually learn stuff on my 3 string from 6 string tabs and transpose/translate it to my tuning. Is there somewhere it would be best to post them?

    Also - I liked the idea  of the tab spreadsheet - anyone have one set up for a 3 string which is based on a fretboard diagram? Can't read music!

    • Richey, learning to read music is big plus and it's not that difficult, much less so than it appears when first looking at a sheet.

      One instant advantage is being able to "see" the timing of the notes for an unfamiliar piece, something that does not translate well to tab.

    • Don't get me wrong, I don't 'rely' on tabs, I mostly learn music by ear. I think that a lot of folks on here would be after a simple means of learning tunes, such as tab. Now if someone could program a spreadsheet which generates tab from a fretboard diagram, I'd get started straight away! As for learning to read music... always been a bit intimidated by it. Then again, if I taught myself how to make guitars with no experience...
    • "Then again, if I taught myself how to make guitars with no experience..." Exactly. :)

      The Mel Bay beginning guitar books from the 60's and 70's have a pretty good intro to sight reading and a glossary of musical terms in the back. I find them in thrift and used book stores regularly for a $1 or $2.

      Armed with your current musical knowledge and one of those you'd probably have sight reading worked out in a day. Lots of info online too but I still kinda like the hands on and "no batteries required" of a book.

      As far as generating tab from a fretboard diagram check out the Tux Guitar program.

    • There's a CBN discussion group called "CBG Tabs" which is a pretty good place to post tabs. If we want to do a project to put together a book of tabs, should probably start a discussion over there and decide on the tunings, number of strings, chromatic vs diatonic, the tab format to be used, and type of songs/music and then request submissions.

      I have some tabs on CBN that I did in ABC music format for 3-sting diatonic dulcimers, and I could re-do those for 3 string chromatic with a bit of effort. My tabs are melody only as I'm pretty dense when it comes to playing chords. The melodies are mostly folk songs.

  • Yeah that's OK Patrick! Pretty cool to see something I played this morning in Tab this evening!

  • Thanks so much Patrick. Your comments in particular are what made me want to post something! As in almost anything limititations are usually from within and I certainly understand all of your points about putting a decent arrangement together with 3 strings. I'll post something else soon with alternating bass thumb picking. A lot of times the chords are more implied than totally spelled out. I used to take jazz guitar lessons from a real good player and a lot of stuff he played was 2 or 3 notes that implied a chord. Often the tonic was nowhere in there but you could still hear a chord! I hesitate to get too technical because it's always - the heart and the ear.

  • http://youtu.be/c3J9M7WQJ1E

    Well Rob, I've listened to your uke playing and I suspect anything I can add would be a bit simple by your standards. You've done some beautiful stuff! Anyway some of the responses to your post suggest there might be some folks who could be helped by my meager knowledge. I don't really know how to post tabs but I've taught a bunch of people to play songs on 3 stringers and I'm more than willing to show how I put arrangements together. Don't know a bunch of slide blues but old trad and gospel is where my head's at right now.

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