Worried About You Baby - lyrics & CBG tab

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Worried About My BabyGDG tuning -Doodah model Swamp Witch0=open, 5th= 5th fret, 7th = 7th fret(0) Lookie here baby what you tryin' to do?Tryin' to love me and another man too.I'm (5th)worried about you baby, I'm (0)worried about you.I'm (7th) worried about you. You [5th] better be worried (I) too. (7th)Gonna tell you this time, ain't gonna say no mo'.The next time I tell you, I'll let you go.I'm worried about you, baby, worried about you.I'm worried about you baby. You better be worried too.Come here baby, sit on my knee.I got something to tell you. You worry me!I'm worried about you, baby, worried about you.I'm worried about you. You better be worried too.Got up this morning, feeling bad.Nobody knows the trouble I've had.I'm worried about you, baby. Worried about you.I'm worried about you baby. You better be worried too.Repeat verse one

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  • Thanks, Matt!

  • extra good way to start the day. Sorry it took so long unc, my computer has been down and my work one has no sound. Been missing my cbg fix. Love this!!!

  • Thanks, Steve.  That Swampy does have the best sounding pickup to my ears.

  • great job U.J.  SWAMPY GOOD............

  • Nice patch, Vinnnie!   Thanks, Calim.

  • really nice blues Uncle John

  • Tonalicious Swampyness, brother.....you are da king o dem blues306438516?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Oooh Bug,  I like that Triumph and trophy girl.   I never had a Triumph, but did have a BSA. 

  • 306438425?profile=RESIZE_480x480

  • Nice song John

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