Wiener Dog Run - An Uncle John Classic Redone

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Song by Uncle John Bolton. Preview of one of the songs I'm going to do at the May Open Mic at Caffe Lena. All 3 songs honor Uncle John's 10 Year CBG Achievement Award. I hope my tributes are fitting.I am considering playing this on the upright bass rather than the guitar. Not sure yet.Uncle John's original version is here:

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  • Thanks Sammy, Antonio, Nancy kat and turtlehead.  :)

    Antonio, I think you may have a connection there.

  • 306445702?profile=originalCool for U~John B~Finger good one indeed!!!! Glad I am a cat~ hahahaha 14~Bass  Meowwwww^.^

  • hahahhha  Awesome !    I have a couple weiner dogs ,   and three x wives .  ?  is there a connection there  ?   dont ask me .

  • thanks mate just enjoyed your version and the original by Uncle John..........poor little wiener dog. (we don't have Weiner dogs in the UK but I'm assuming that its what we refer to as a sausage dog) Ha, just helps with my imagination that's all. Great job, well done both of ya................and put that .38 back in the drawer for heaven's sake.

  • Clock, that is EXCELLENT!  Made me laugh for a full 2 minutes.  Great stuff.

    Thanks James, Belinda and Wes.  :)

  • nicely done...would like to hear it on the bass as well. Good idea to do a tribute to Uncle J : -)

  • I Say That Dog Better Stay Away from You and Uncle John Good Stuff Eric

  • 306446862?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Thanks Uncle John.  Trying to do it my own way.  I'm having a lot of fun with 3 of my Uncle John favorites.

  • Great playing and I like your version much better than mine.   Really good.

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