When I Lay My Burden Down

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On the dog bowl reso that Shane made me.

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  • Thanks again folks. Western music comes straight out of the church, in fact for a long time it was illegal to play music for any other reason. In Greek mythology Orpheus, lord of the underworld, was the musician. Archelogists have uncovered evidence that the first musical instruments appeared around the same time that organised religous activities began and people first started coming together in large groups. The blues is still my church though.

  • Good one!

  • Great raw live sound!

  • I think you're absolutely right about that Patrick. Now I gotta start going to church again!

  • Masterful stuff Patrick. Well done mate awesome version of a classic tune. Think you handled the recording issues really well. The microphone seemed to pick up a few background noises as well as your super singing and playing. Good on you. 

  • Some good old Gospel fine playing and singing Oh Yea

  • That sounds good..very nice!!! 

  • Thanks again gentlemen.

    And Jim I wonder whether one reason for this is that all of these styles owe so much much to their roots in the church. I've often heard it said that rock and roll was a mix of blues and country, Elvis said that he got it from listening to R&B on Saturday and church music on Sunday. Son House and Willie Johnson sang sprituals, Ray Charles played gospel, Aretha Franklin.......

  • Wonderful sounds from you and that fine guitar.  One of my favorite  songs.   Thank you.  

  • Yup, I had to come back for another listen Patrick. After listening to versions of this by Miss. John Hurt, Roy Acuff, Doc Watson and a couple of others I think you wre spot on on this. One mark of a great song, I think is when gospel, blues, bluegrass, and other styles all work equally well. Yours works well too!

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