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VERMAPYRE:OSLO, NORWAY May 21, 2011This is a recording from our live VERMAPYRE performance in Oslo, Norway.For this performance, we played cigar box guitars that were built by the great and talented Scottish luthier / artisté, Mr. Ben Moor from http://www.randyroosterscigarboxguitars.comWe made this film specifically to be screened for this performance.The film was projected onto a screen behind the stage. We played along to the film as a live soundtrack. The cigar box guitars were played with custom made FX pedals to sound like black metal punk guitars. The CBGs were also played with violin bows (which added a creepy horror film soundtrack quality). In addition: a home made waterphone instrument was played during this performance (and less exciting, a traditional drum kit was used).Recently this recording has been released on 12" vinyl from an American record label by the name of, Magic Bullet Records.http://www.magicbulletrecords.comI realize that this is not the traditional nor expected use of CBGuitars, but I thought that some members of the Cigar Box Nation might enjoy seeing these wonderful instruments used within a different musical context.If you are interested in hearing more music from VERMAPYRE and/or OEDE then you are invited to download our songs at no cost:http://holyterror.bandcamp.comall the beast,dwid hellion

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  • That's given me the fear!

  • Bollocks to convention, you guys rock. No-one said you cant play metal on a cbg....

  • Nosh Ferratu meets Jung Fronkensteen.

    Slambient Noize.
  • love this! its not PC, but still. full support from Noirway

  • 305799073?profile=original

  • yes!!!!! this is some good heavy stuff!

  • is this whats going to happen to my soul for playing rock&roll on my cbg? you guys are hard core for sure !!

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