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Upright Bass Build

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Okay, we're on our way: I just used a guitar tuner and marked some dots on the side of the neck for the chromatic scale. Started watching some videos to learn some root/5 progressions. Probably not all that interested in learning good technique...
Nice. I always like homemade basses, particularly upright basses.
Thanks Dave and Uncle John!
I'll swing by the pawn shop on the way home today and see if they got a real, real, real cheap little bass practice amp. And I'll check out the StewMac fret calculator.
This is probably more of a distraction than anything; I don't really wanna play the bass. It's just another cool homemade instrument lying around in case a random bass player might drop by.
It sounds good and low bassy. Looks like it would play okay. I don't know how to play bass either. I would kind of like to build one. Whatever scale length you choose, you can go to the online stew mac fret calculator and get measurements for fret position. I used to play with a couple guys who had uprights and they both marked a few positions.
Oh, definitely use a bass amp. You may blow your speakers if you use your guitar amp. On low volume you can use your regular amp but get a cheap bass amp for serious plucking.
Scale length is critical.. especially when it comes to bridge position. Using a “real” fretboard as reference works fine. Just copy it accurately with the bridge position of the copy marked carefully. I have copied scale lengths from prototype vintage instruments many times with good sounding results. Wish I could view your video but my iPad won’t show it. :*(
So, all my fretless cbg builds were planned and built based on a scale length and I marked "frets" with a sharpie on the fretboard using a "real" guitar for reference. I randomly placed the bridge on this one at about 45.5 inches, but I was clueless and it's ovbviously adjustble. Since I have never played bass and have no bass for reference points, can anybody point me in the direction of a "fret location calculator" or something else to begin with? Doing it by ear is my last resort since the "tuners" have to be moved with a ratchet wrench.