Uncle Gus: Mama Tried (Merle Haggard cover)

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Just a quick cover of the country classic "Mama Tried." I broke my Flip UltraHD camera a while back, so I'm stuck using an iPad Mini and the quality is garbage compared to the Flip.

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  • How did I miss this? Damn gus.I grew up as a child on Merle Haggard  and was lucky enuff to see him about 15 yrs ago....that was awesome and heartfelt.....306028246?profile=original306028408?profile=original306028444?profile=originaltop notch

  • A shame that i missed this. Good stuff. Like RTZG, you sure got the rhythm right !  Love much Merle Haggard stuff !

  • Thanks for checking it out, everybody.

  • very cool rhythm Gus I have seen Merle play more time then I can remember or he can!!!!!!!!

  • Makes me want to try.......to learn this song too.  Well Done.

  • Very Nice, Really like the sound, and great song.

  • That's Cool Uncle Gus..

  • nice work u/gus

  • Thanks!

  • Excellent!

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